Thursday, April 18, 2013

Alta's Evolution

For over 40 years Alta has been a formulator and manufacturer of natural Herbal and Mineral products for specific health needs. Alta Health Products, Inc. was founded in 1969 and incorporated in 1972 by the late Dr. Richard Barmakian, N.D.


After starting the company, Dr. Barmakian continued to travel the world studying, learning and teaching all he could about natural health products. This included a trip to Paris, France where he developed an intimate working relationship with Dr. Louis Kervran, a renowned biophysicist. Dr. Kervran was the developer of the original silica supplement, and after carefully teaching Dr. Barmakian all about it, he gave Dr. Barmakian special permission to produce Alta’s Silica with Bioflavonoids (formally known as Sil-X Silica).   


During one of his educational lectures in the United States, Dr. Barmakian spoke on the benefits of proper nutrition to an audience that included Miss Judy Haswell, a young woman who had been diagnosed with a congenital kidney problem. Judy had suffered through 16 surgeries and had passed 12 stones at this point and was moved by Dr. Barmakian’s lecture; in her many years in and out of hospitals, she had never once considered or been asked about her diet and how that could be affecting her kidney problem!


She got so interested in the value of proper nutrition that she moved to Pasadena, California to work for Dr. Barmakian, a licensed neuropath. After being treated with his products, she became a much healthier woman and became convinced of the power of natural healing. She later married Richard and worked with him as they continued to build Alta Health Products, Inc. and expand their knowledge of proper nutrition and natural supplementation. In one of their trips together, Richard took Judy to receive the unique education that only Dr. Kervran could provide. To this day, Judy is thankful to have had the opportunity to work with and learn from someone as knowledgeable as Dr. Kervran. After Richard’s untimely death in 1992, Judy continued with their mission to provide quality health products by taking over the company. As sole owner and CEO, Judy Haswell continues to manufacture Dr. Barmakian’s exact formulas, including Silica with Bioflavonoids via the Kervran/Barmakian Alliance, and honors Alta’s commitment to healthy, natural living.


Judy has since moved Alta Health Products, Inc. to the beautiful mountains of Idaho. The fresh air and breathtaking scenery goes along perfectly with Alta’s concept of back to basics; good living, quality food and pure, basic herbal supplements. We continue to be longstanding members of the NPA and belong to the TruLabel Program. In 1998, Alta became a Founder’s Club member of the John Bastyr College after helping to strengthen their programs in Naturopathic Medicine and Nutrition.


Alta has earned a superior reputation in the nutritional industry and has the pleasure of selling nationwide with the help of our trusted distributors. Please contact us during normal business hours if you have any questions or comments.

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